ABN Amro BankNL52 ABNA 0131437534
Help us!!! Let we join hands and take responsibility and choose to help stray animals. These animals belong to Kosovo, it is the responsibility of all people. In Kosovo are many volunteers, people who help the animals in poor conditions by feeding them on the streets, sheltering the puppies provide shelter, taking them to the doctor and treating the animals at home. Their work, dedication and love of these people for animals is promising. Let's support these people with our help. Also, if you have suggestions, good ideas and tips. You can send your message through the contact form, but you can also reach us at: info@animalskosovo.com and/or +31642671758 We will try to give you a response within 48hrs. If you have not received a response within 48hrs, please try again to submit your message, something probably went wrong. Thank you in advance for your support and contribution to our important work.